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Is Now The Right Time To Launch Your Own Recruitment Business

With the latest news that almost 3,000 NEW recruitment agencies have set-up in the first half of 2016 and that employment opportunities are booming, then what better time than NOW to consider launching YOUR very own recruitment business.

At Recruit Ventures, we provide 100% funding and a comprehensive Back Office start-up package to successful entrepreneurial individuals, with a proven track record in the recruitment industry and a passion to succeed.

With no worry of any personal outlays or loans from the start, you can launch your business and become operational with the minimum of effort and worry, leaving you to focus on what you do best –RECRUIT!

With industry statistics showing that vacancies in core sectors are growing year on year and that businesses demand extra staff to support their increasing workloads; there is a real need for expert recruitment professionals and their industry experience to source the best talent around. What’s more the UK recruitment sector shows no immediate signs of slowing down, which is great news following the current economic uncertainty since the recent Brexit vote.

So, if you are feel you are ready to reap the rewards of running your own business, and make money for your own pocket then get in touch with us TODAY and discuss the opportunity to launch your own recruitment business

For a confidential chat, email or Call 01362 88 25 85

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” Mark Twain

Ready to Go?
Schedule a Meeting...
If you’ve had enough of capped commissions and are ready to get going in your own Recruitment Business now send your contact details below and we will contact you to schedule a meeting.