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If you’re as good as the boss – Be the boss! Start up your own recruitment agency

Have you ever felt that ‘ your boss is not worth the salary they are paid?” Funnily enough, so do half of the UK recruiters feel the same – time to make a change.

If you’re as good as your boss – be the boss! Start your own recruitment business.
Some new research has shown that, amongst other things, ‘almost half of UK employees don’t think their boss is worth their salary’.

Have you ever felt that?

As a busy recruitment consultant, running your own desk, or team, I’m betting that you have. After all, you’re the one making the money. You’re sourcing the candidates, keeping the clients happy and matching job seekers to the roles. You’re the one hitting the targets and making the numbers. And all the time you keep thinking ‘suppose I was doing this for myself. Running my own recruitment business. With everything I’m doing I might as well be the boss anyway’.

Except, of course, it’s such a big step to take.

You know the business, and you know what’s needed to run a recruitment business, let alone start one up from scratch. The systems you use every day, and all the necessary IT that go with them, are easy to take for granted. But how do you source those for yourself? There would be premises to find as well. And that’s without organising sound financial backing, because unless you’re sitting on a stack of capital you’re going to need support to get it off the ground and sustain you through the cash flow demands of the early days when there are probably going to be more outgoings than income – for a while at least.

Plus of course, the dream ticket would be not only affordable financial backing but input from people who actually understand recruitment. Chances are that even if you can find an interested bank manager he or she won’t be an expert in your world so you’ll have a job explaining some of the demands that face a busy new agency.

Oh, and then there’ll be your nervousness at giving up the regular salary. Because, let’s face it, even if you don’t think your boss is worth their salary, they do provide you with yours at the end of every month, which for all your frustrations is at least some sort of security.

The fact is, however, there IS a way for you to be your own boss, to start your own recruitment business, that does deliver that dream ticket – and all the other things you’ll need.

At The Recruit Venture Group we have a business model aimed at professionals just like you. If you’ve got five years overall experience, and 3 years track record in your current role, we can help. We’ll provide you with 100% funding, shares and dividends, no financial risk and access to a full back office support function to support you start up your own business.

Stop getting frustrated by what your boss earns, match it… Be your own boss, and earn what you’re worth.



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If you’ve had enough of capped commissions and are ready to get going in your own Recruitment Business now send your contact details below and we will contact you to schedule a meeting.