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Worried You’ll Miss the Salary?

Starting Up A Recruitment Company But Worried You’ll Miss The Salary

It’s a common concern. You’re all fired up about starting your own recruitment business, you’re full of ideas, and you’ve even got a business plan in place. But there’s that one, justifiable, worry. A salary. How do you pay yourself when you’re just starting out and the overheads are going to overtake the income?

It’s possibly the one single thing that causes a lot of would be start ups – to stop. Because, no matter how entrepreneurial you are, no matter how much enthusiasm you’ve got, the fact is that while you’re busy starting up your business your personal bills won’t go away. You’ve got to live.

On top of that, it’s the worry of juggling the bills that can distract you from the business, when the business needs your full attention. And that’s why a lot of people put their ambitions and dreams on the back burner, because no matter how frustrating your current job as a recruitment consultant can get some days, it does provide that salary at the end of the month.

And the odd thing about this situation is that when you go to the bank, for instance, to secure funding for a new business they will understand that you need to live, and that you’ll need a guaranteed salary to do it. But, you’re still a risk, and you taking a salary will come a way down the list of what they see as the priorities.

To be fair, there are quite a lot of things on that list of priorities. Premises, marketing, web site, systems – all the things that a recruitment company needs to operate. All things that need to be paid for.
So, most sources of finance will see you as a purely financial transaction. And, at least initially, a risk. What you do, namely starting up and running a recruitment company isn’t something they’re particularly interested in, or knowledgeable about.

We’re different. At Recruit Ventures we specialise in backing start up recruitment businesses. Full initial funding is just part of the package. You’ll also receive shares and dividends – and access to a complete back office and support system – to run your own business.

And crucially you’ll receive a guaranteed salary. So you run the business, without running the risk. And without the worry.

If you’re really serious about starting your own recruitment company, and you’ve got the relevant experience, we think a chat with us will pay. In more ways than one! Contact us by email at or fill in our form. and we’ll call you back.

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