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What Are You Doing Working in Recruitment?

No offence meant there! I’m sure you’re very good at what you do. But have you stopped to ask yourself that question?

What Are You Doing
Working In Recruitment?

No offence meant there! I’m sure you’re very good at what you do.
But have you stopped to ask yourself that question?

No offence meant there! I’m sure you’re very good at what you do. But have you stopped to ask yourself that question? On two levels? Firstly, what is it exactly that you do? And secondly, why are you doing it in the way that you do?

First then, the big question. What is recruitment? In many ways it’s a sales job. If you’re a recruitment consultant you’re selling your employer’s organisation to companies, convincing them that you can find them staff. You’re also selling candidates to employers. In fact you’re selling the organisation to candidates too.

It’s an advertising job too. You’ll be involved in writing and placing the ads that sell the jobs.

It’s more complicated than that when you factor in the market sectors, the temporary and permanent roles, the targets and commissions, but in the big picture that’s what you’re doing.

If you’re happy, then fine. But if you’re asking yourself what are you doing working in recruitment you’re probably, maybe unwittingly, feeling the first stirrings of the entrepreneurial character that runs through many recruitment consultants. You’re beginning to wonder if it wouldn’t be better, rather than working in recruitment, if you were working at recruitment. And that means working for yourself.

Starting a recruitment business is as daunting as launching any company. But, the very nature of the business means as an employee you’re working autonomously, responsible for a bottom line and tasked with growth. For someone else.

Apply the same skills and determination to your own business and it starts to look different. Now the hard earned rewards are your own.

The recruitment business is probably one of the best sectors for start-ups. Careful consideration of backing, finance, systems and branding are essential. Good support at financial and operational levels are vital. But, you’re already using the skills it takes to run your own show. So why not do it?

Back to the question then. What are you doing working in recruitment? Ask yourself. You might be surprised at the answer.

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