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It’s a Virtual World for Recruitment Engineers

Starting Up A Recruitment Company It’s A Virtual World For Recruitment Entrepreneurs

If you’re working as a recruitment consultant, maybe running a busy desk, or managing a team, you know all about the vast amount of data that has to be stored within the business. And most of it is stored digitally. It’s all in the PC’s and systems.

In fact, most of the processes by which you actually communicate with your clients and candidates are digital and electronic. So much so that your company’s website is now the shop window and main marketing tool of the business. It’s a virtual world.

And when – because it does happen – it all falls over, thank goodness you can call the IT department! OK – let’s have no jokes about ‘switching it off and on again’, because where would you be without the team who put it right when it goes wrong?

That’s a question that comes into a very sharp focus when and if you’re thinking about starting your own recruitment business. Ever thought about that? We know you’ve thought about starting your own company. A huge percentage of recruitment consultants have. Why wouldn’t they? Or you? A good track record, several years of experience and a real desire to do it ‘your way’. Go for it.

But, even if you’ve sorted the financial backing, organised the premises and sorted the systems; even if you’re already up and running – do you have an IT Department? Could you afford an IT Department? Probably not.

Outsourcing is a possibility of course. A potentially expensive possibility, and probably one provided by a team who are well meaning, but, well, don’t understand recruitment systems.

The virtual world now looks like a very real problem.

That’s why we at Recruit Ventures have given the issue a lot of thought. And why full IT and systems support, from people who really know about recruitment, is an integral part of the package we provide to help recruitment professionals start their own businesses.

Perhaps we should explain what the rest of the package contains.

Recruit Ventures offers 100% funding for starting up your own recruitment business. It’s your company so you’ll have shares and dividends, but with our backing you’ll have zero financial risk, and a guaranteed salary. You’ll have help and guidance with premises, marketing and legal matters. And on top of all that you’ll have access to tried and tested systems, plus the support team for when the wifi won’t work, the broadband has disappeared, the ‘phones are misbehaving and the software needs sorting.

And what that really means is that when things get disrupted, because they do from time to time in any business, you can rely on someone to sort out the digital problems, allowing you to keep to keep your finger on the pulse of the business.

Starting and running your own recruitment business can be tough in the virtual world.

Contact us on and we can make it happen for you. For real!

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