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Up to speed on the GLA

Starting your own recruitment business, Youll need to be up to speed on the GLA

I am thinking of starting up actually, and yes, I’m aware of the GLA or is it the GLAA! but is it something I have to think about right now?

Well, it might not be as urgent as sorting your funding, organising premises and arranging to have your systems up and running from day one, but you’re going to have to be up to speed on it as soon as you’re operational.

Thanks for reminding me of everything else I have to think about! Can you fill me in on the details now? This is about exploitation and such, isn’t it?

It is. As to the details that would take some considerable time. But let’s look at the big picture. If you’re an operational recruitment business, and especially if you provide staff for agriculture, horticulture, shellfish gathering and anything to do with associated processing and packaging you will need to have a GLA licence.

OK, so what’s the GLAA

Well since May the GLA became the GLAA to enable it to protect vulnerable workers and tackle exploitation across all industry standards so it is likely that you will need to consider it as one of ‘ the key things to get sorted’ as you launched your own business.

Ah. Yes.  I’ve had to get a few of those organised through the team I work with.

That’s rather the point. Working as a consultant you’ve doubtless had someone in the company who sorts out such things for you. Fact is, when you’re on your own – you’re going to have to do it.

I take your point. I guess the truth is I know about it but don’t really know how to organise a licence if I am going to be supply workers to the regulated sectors?

Very honest of you! Make sure you’re fully informed because it’s important.

Just how important?

Important as in ‘criminal offence important’.

Right. I think I need to know a bit more. As in ‘now’.

It’s quite simple. If you provide workers into the regulated sectors it’s a criminal offence to do so without your business having a licence.

And just to be clear. What does the licence actually mean?

It means that you, as the provider, meet and understand the GLA licensing standards, which cover health and safety, workers pay, transport and accommodation and the prevention of forced labour and mistreatment of workers. There are also issues around meeting National Insurance and VAT regulations.

So I was right about exploitation then….

Indeed you were as the main objectives of the GLAA is to tackle Modern Slavery in the UK.

So it is serious. I will make sure I’m well informed.

For now…

Excuse me?

Sorry, but it’s not just a case of checking the basics and getting on with it. Legislation changes all the time and you need to be constantly updated about it. You will be expected to renew your licence on annual basis and ensure you have the correct policies and procedures in place.

I’m beginning to see the value of those specialist colleagues I’ll be leaving behind. This is something else I need to add to that list you so kindly referred to that included funding, premises, systems and everything else necessary to start up.

We could help here. At The Recruit Venture Group we provide a complete package for startup recruitment businesses. You get shares in, and dividends from, your own company. Backed with 100% funding you’ll be able to pay yourself a salary from the start, and you’ll also have access to our back office systems and support.

Now that does sound appealing. But, without sounding ungrateful, how does that help with things like the GLA license and legislation. That keeps changing….

It helps because we’re your central resource for information, industry legislation and guidance as well. We constantly monitor legal changes across all sectors and share with our joint venture partners to support them and their business. It’s part of what we do.


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