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The UK is set to grow so launch your business now!

If anyone was putting off launching a business due to political deadlock.The British public has just put that uncertainty decisively to bed.

A crushing win for Boris Johnson’s Conservatives appears to have been due in large part to a vote for getting on with Brexit and getting on with the next chapter for the country.

For those in business, you only need to look at the immediate surging of the pound and share prices to realise the effect clarity can have on confidence.

That also brings a big opportunity for experienced, enterprising people in recruitment who always wanted to launch their own start-up.

Many businesses have been holding off big capital expenditure because they want to be able to plan with confidence. Although Brexit still has a long way to go, many business leaders are now expected to release cash to spend on new projects, new research, expanding operations, and of course, recruitment.

That leaves the door open for new recruitment businesses to take advantage of this wave of new investment, especially if they can act quickly.

The Recruit Venture Group is set up to bring businesses to market fast. The process from first contact with us to first day of trading can be as little as a few months. That means if there is a big upsurge in recruitment opportunities, we can put you in the position to take advantage.

Our joint venture model puts everything in place to turn a recruiter’s business vision into reality quickly and effectively.

We have all of the finance ready to go, completely risk free. We supply a streamlined, industry leading back office solution from day one, including payroll, credit control, accounts, HR, IT and much more. And the experienced, savvy business brains in The Recruit Venture Group can help fine tune a business plan to make an even bigger instant impact.

You do not risk one penny of your own money and as a recruiter, we make sure you focus on recruitment. We have already supported 60 recruiters launch fantastic businesses, including during the political uncertainty of the last three to four years. The Recruit Venture Group model has been stress-tested and has still delivered businesses which have grown to be worth millions within just a few years.

Managing Director of The Recruit Venture Group, Paul Mizen said: “Like any business leader, I welcome certainty, and that’s what this election has delivered.

“In fairness, we have been launching businesses since the EU referendum, because we believe in what we do, and the results speak for themselves.

“2020 is looking to be a phenomenal opportunity for recruiters who want to start their own business and really profit from what should be a year of big business planning and big investment. We’re ready to make it happen for them.”


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