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The Last 10%

The last 10% it takes to launch your own recruitment company can take as much energy as the first 90%

That would be true if you applied the theory put forward by Rob Kalin. What he actually said, because he was speaking in more general terms, was ‘The last 10% it takes to launch something takes as much energy as the first 90%’.

As the co-founder of ETSY and a serious entrepreneur he’s not one to be ignored but, when it comes to launching your own recruitment company it’s possible that the percentages need adjusting.

For example, working as a recruitment consultant, maybe running a desk, and thinking about starting up on your own, all happens over a long time. You need the experience to get to know the industry. Only then will you know that it’s really ‘for you’.

Balance life as an employee against being the boss.

Next comes the planning period. Those weekends and evenings spent thinking it through, balancing life as an employee against being the boss. The calculations need to be done – could you afford to do it; could you maintain anything approaching your current lifestyle?

Discussions with the family and the bank manager

Inevitably, and rightly, there will be the discussions with your family. And of course there will be, even if they are the first tentative ones, the discussions with the bank manager.

And then there’s the business of your ‘escape’. Examining your contract to make sure of what you can and can’t do; thinking through the timing so that you have as many ducks in a row as you can before you put feet in the water.

All of that adds up to a lot of time, and energy.

Suppose though that having expended all that energy, and done all that planning, the next stage, the actual getting launched stage, was much quicker, and a lot simpler.

Suppose you put your plan to us at The Recruit Venture Group. We would look over your proposal, determine that you had indeed notched up five years in the recruitment business, and that you were serious about doing this. Tick all of those boxes and we would move very quickly. We’d provide 100% funding to get you launched. We’d guide you through registering your brand, finding your premises and building your website.  We’d give you access to our back office systems and support. You’d have a line of credit to ensure the cash flow really flowed.

And, because you’d be so well supported and financed you’d be able to pay yourself a salary from day one, which would maintain your lifestyle and give you the peace of mind you need to focus on building your business.

Now, given all that  you’d put in beforehand, it sounds like the last 10% of launching your own recruitment company is, with our help, not going to take as much of your energy as that first 90%.

If you’re 90% there already, apply now, we’d like to hear from you.

Let’s save you some energy!


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