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The Final Countdown

The Final Countdown

It’s here, isn’t it? The final countdown… And of course it’s complicated.

First off there’s the ‘domestic’ list. Presents still to buy because, let’s face it, you’re busy, right up to the last minute.

Then there’s all the usual issues to address. Who are you spending Christmas Day with? Can you possibly keep everybody happy? And if you’re the hosts, you’re probably already stressing about entertaining.

They say ‘it’s only another roast meal’ – but it’s not. Is it? So much still to do. It’s the final countdown.

All of that is without your work. Making sure all those last minute details are sorted out, the placements are processed, your budget for next year is sorted. You’re probably under pressure for that. And did you draw the short straw? Did you arrange the office ‘do’?

Worst of all it’s the same every year. And like most years, recently anyway, you’ve started to think about what it would be like to be the boss of your own business.

If you were to start your own recruitment business you would be in command of your own destiny. The problem is it’s usually year end when you start to think about it seriously. Again. It’s in there with the resolutions. But of course when it comes to year end you’re always stuck in the final countdown. And somehow the problems of starting up seem even more insurmountable when you’re under that much pressure.

First off there would be finance to sort out. And even when that’s in place you’d need to find premises. An office is good but it’s no good without a back office. So the systems would need sorting. And the branding. And the website.

Then comes another big one. Financial backing is fine (if you can get it) but you really need input from people who understand recruitment. Even your best business plan, presented perfectly to the most helpful of bank managers, doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll be engaged with someone who understands the unique cash flow pressures of a recruitment consultancy.

At the moment of course the one advantage of not being the boss is that you’re a bit protected from them. Well, except that is that it’s cash flow that’s making your boss boss explain why your bonus isn’t in the lottery win category – if it’s there at all!

But you’d rather take on that challenge for yourself, than stay as you are. Except for all of the above.

You could change things. This could be the year you make the leap.

At Recruit Ventures we have a business model that provides 100% funding, shares and dividends, a guaranteed salary, no financial risk and access to a full back office support function to support start up recruitment businesses.

We’ll guide you, mentor you and support you, but you’ll be in control.

We can’t promise that you’ll get out of organising next year’s Christmas party. But it could be for your staff next time! As to keeping all the family happy? Well, they’ll understand. You’ve got a business to run!

Start the best countdown of all. The one that launches your future. Contact us at

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