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The Discipline Factor

Be disciplined when starting your own recruitment business?

Well, you will, won’t you? Starting your own recruitment business means you’ll be oozing self-control and discipline. It’s all going to be different now. It’s going to be your way.

Interestingly, the ‘Discipline Factor’ emerged from a recent forum and press article as one of the key things that successful people are ‘always doing’. Others, which we’ve alluded to, included being happy, engaging with people you admire and taking ownership.

Freedom to focus on achieving your goals

The ‘discipline’ one though is rather different. ‘Discipline’ it’s said gives you the freedom to put all your focus into achieving your goals. That works when it comes to setting up and running a recruitment business. Focus is vital.

It’s further argued that discipline becomes harder to deliver in a world where we’re so easily distracted; where there’s so much instant gratification’ ‘. Let’s assume that if you’re starting up, and running, your own recruitment business you’re not going to spend large chunks of your day watching box sets on your lap top or playing games on your phone. Let’s just assume that. Shall we?

Dont let instant gratification put you off

Then there’s this. Discipline, it’s said, is choosing between what you want now, and what you want most. It’s about not letting your long term goals be put off or made less important.

Now that’s very relevant. Because if you’re serious about setting up your own recruitment business, first off you’ll have already demonstrated that you have long term commitment. We want to see five years recruitment experience before we consider backing you, which is a fair indication of application.

There’s the question too of how you go about setting up on your own. If one meeting with a bank manager, who often sees more risk than potential, doesn’t get you started, do you stop? If you do you’re going to join the long list of startups that didn’t, and prove the point regarding discipline being about the importance of long term goals at the same time.

If however you carry on, explore the options, and talk to us, then the picture changes. At The Recruit Venture Group helping recruitment professionals start their own businesses is what we do. With zero financial risk, plus shares and dividends, you’re free to concentrate on starting up. With access to a full back office and support system you’re operational from day one.

Paying yourself a salary helps too!

All of which means you have the freedom to put all your focus into achieving your goals. And you will most certainly have focused on what you want most – not just what you want now.

The Recruit Venture Group solution is genuinely risk free and fully funded.

And because it’s so well constructed, by people who understand recruitment, it gives the recruitment start up the chance to focus on the business. To concentrate on long term goals. To be disciplined.


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