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We take Five Years

Some people decide on a candidate one minute after meeting them and “44% of employers claim they make a decision within 15 minutes”. We take Five years…

It appears that almost 20%

of interviewers claim that they make up their minds about a candidate in about a minute. A minute!

Some 44% took a full 15 minutes to decide. That’s almost slow!

Us? We take longer. A lot longer. Five years as a rule.

The explanation rests in this. We put a lot on the table for people who come to us to discuss their plans to start their own recruitment businesses.

The Recruit Venture Group business model is genuinely risk free and fully funded.

We’ve developed a business model aimed specifically at helping recruitment professionals start up on their own. With us you run your business, without running the risk. We’ll provide all the funding you need to start up, plus shares and dividends.  And finance aside, we’ll provide a full back office and support system. It’s everything you need to get started, get ahead and get growing.

All of your payroll, HR, IT and administration will be looked after and backed up. We’ll provide you with industry data, latest trends and statistics. We’ll keep you up to date with changes in legislation, both for you as a business, and for your candidates and clients.

We’ll have helped you from the outset, by finding your premises, sorting out the legalities and creating your branding. We’ll give you a line of credit, handle your invoicing and smooth out the bumps in your cash flow.

Now, to do all of that for you we don’t think it’s unreasonable to ask that you’ve had five years recruitment experience. Or that you’re serious about starting up.

We’d like to see your business plan of course.



Ready to Go?
Schedule a Meeting...
If you’ve had enough of capped commissions and are ready to get going in your own Recruitment Business now send your contact details below and we will contact you to schedule a meeting.