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Startled Awakening

Starting Your Own Recruitment Company Could Give You A Startled Awakening…

If you’re thinking off starting your own recruitment company then the chances are you’re a recruitment consultant.

Sounds obvious, but it’s worth restating as, firstly, you’re going to need the right experience and secondly, so many recruitment consultants have that entrepreneurial streak, born of running their own desk or team.

So, running my own team, I’m pretty much running my own business now!

There is some truth in that. You find the clients and the candidates, and you deliver the numbers. But here’s the thing. You’re running a team, which means that, as important as it is, it’s still just a part of the overall organisation.

And the problem with that is?

It’s not a problem – it’s a bit of a blessing. The truth is that if your team is, through no fault of your own, just a bit down on the numbers this month, or if a couple of your clients are a bit behind with payments, and stretching the cash flow, it doesn’t have a direct impact on you, because the overall business rides it out. Someone at the top spins the plates, juggles the figures and keeps the whole thing running.

And, starting up on my own, means that becomes my worry?

You see the point! Starting up on your own business can wake you up with a start when you realise that now the entire business is your responsibility. There’s no safety net. The team who look after those other sectors won’t plug any of your gaps.

It’s the ups and downs that could bring me down then?

To put it bluntly, yes. Unless you’ve got a massive reserve of cash, or an extraordinarily friendly bank manager, the inevitable (yes, they are inevitable) fluctuations in cash flow could stretch you too far. And on top of the purely financial worries – like paying the salaries, (including your own!), and all the bills, the worry of it all will deflect your attention from getting on with the vital business of – finding and growing business. Which will ease the cash flow.

So it’s safer to give up the dream and stay on a salary then?

You could argue it’s safer. It feels like there’s less risk. But it’s not what you want to do is it? You want to start your own recruitment consultancy, don’t you?

Got any ideas on how that’s possible then? If I’m going to survive that is?

We do actually. With Recruit Ventures you run your business, without running the risk. We’ll provide all the funding you need to start up, plus shares, dividends – and a guaranteed income. And finance aside, we’ll provide a full back office and support system. It’s everything you need to get started, get ahead and get growing.

My own business, but with the protection, back up and support to reduce the risk?

You’ve said it yourself, right there!

How do I start?

You email us today at or fill in our form.

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If you’ve had enough of capped commissions and are ready to get going in your own Recruitment Business now send your contact details below and we will contact you to schedule a meeting.