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Starting your own recruitment business – Next year you wont be an Elf, You’ll be a giant

Starting Your Own Recruitment Business Means That Next Year You Won’t Be An Elf.

You’ll Be A Giant!

Even Santa needs an army of helpers. The willing elves who strive for twelve months to bring a perfect end to the year. And a very good job they do too.Sound familiar? Now, this isn’t about spoiling the magic of Christmas. Far from it. But it is about taking stock of your year. Another year in which you’ve been a willing helper, a hard worker and a loyal elf.

Not that there’s anything wrong with being an elf. It’s just that you’ve got bigger ambitions. A plan. OK, maybe you’re not actually able to deliver exactly what every boy and girl wants, down their chimneys, before midnight on December 24th.

But you can trade on your experience, your contacts and your industry knowledge to deliver a really outstanding recruitment consultancy experience, for clients and candidates alike. And that’s your dream isn’t it?

Except that you’ve been through the planning before and always hesitated because there are obstacles. Premises. Staff. Investment from a backer to find – because it’s going to cost money to start up, and some more money to get you through the difficult ‘carry on through cash flow’ days that define the start up period.

And of course there are all the other issues to address. You take them for granted now, because your boss provides them, but those software systems that make a consultancy tick need to be in place from day one. As do the ‘phone lines, and the stationery, and the furniture……

Maybe being an elf isn’t too bad after all you thought.

Think again. Think about The Recruit Venture Group business model.

We provide 100% funding, shares and dividends, a guaranteed salary, no financial risk and access to a full back office support function for people just like you, to help and support them start up their own recruitment businesses.

So, if you’ve got around five years relevant experience, and the desire to succeed, maybe it’s time to take the leap and do it. Become your own boss. Run your own recruitment business.

It will take a little time of course. But you know that. And you’re not afraid of hard work.

With a serious track record of establishing recruitment businesses across the uk, and just about everything you’ll need to get started we can make it all worthwhile.

Tired of being an elf? Apply Now, This time next year you could be a giant!


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If you’ve had enough of capped commissions and are ready to get going in your own Recruitment Business now send your contact details below and we will contact you to schedule a meeting.