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Starting a recruitment business – it’s a game of two halves!

It’s been stated recently that over 50% of the workforce see self employment as an aspirational goal.  The chances are that, if you’re currently working as a recruitment consultant, you fall into the half that think that way. Starting your own recruitment business is probably high on your list of aspirations.

The problem is that there’s still half of your brain that says it’s safer, and more comfortable, to stay where you are.

Where are you now?

Well, you’re probably already experienced, and reached the point in your career where you’re running a desk or department. You’re busy. You love the work, and you regularly hit the targets, make the numbers, and deliver the kind of service that keeps your clients, candidates, and your employers, happy.

But are you happy?

Loving the work is one thing. But half the time you’re wondering why your efforts never seem to be rewarded. You’ve got ideas on how to improve the service even more. Ideas of how, given half a chance, you’d do things your way. And all of that is making you less than happy.

So what do you do?

It’s a game of two halves again. You could stay put. Or you could strike out on your own. To do that you could start up in your spare bedroom of course, but it’s a risk, and not exactly the dream ticket. It’s not your aspiration. So maybe you talk to the bank about finance, source some IT and systems, try to arrange premises – which is difficult without the finance in place – and, frankly, make what could be a half hearted attempt at setting up.

Or you do it with not half, but 100% support.

And that means talking to us. At The Recruit Venture Group we specialise in helping recruitment professionals start up their own businesses. We provide, not half, but 100% risk free funding. You get shares in, and dividends from, your own company. You’ll be able to pay yourself a salary from the start, which means you have the freedom to concentrate on recruitment.

With full access to our back office and systems you’ll be operational from the outset.

There are no half measures. We’ll help you with branding and finding premises. We’ll guide you through the ‘legals’ of setting up your business, and we’ll stay with you to monitor your cash flow.


Ready to Go?
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If you’ve had enough of capped commissions and are ready to get going in your own Recruitment Business now send your contact details below and we will contact you to schedule a meeting.