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Starting your own recruitment business – it could be the best way to set your pay scale!

If you’re one of the 25% of UK recruitment consultants who are not happy with their pay and rewards, maybe you should commit to running your own business. And control your own destiny…

Starting your own recruitment business – it could be the best way to set your pay scale!
Last year, REC, the Recruitment and Employment Confederation, issued some research findings that showed, encouragingly, that over half of the UK’s recruitment consultants are satisfied with their pay and rewards.

A close reading though reveals that almost a quarter of them are dissatisfied.

If you work in the industry you probably understand where the dissatisfaction comes from. Long hours, hard work, tough targets to hit and running your own desk – all to make your employer richer.

And here’s the interesting thing. ‘Running your own desk’ is not far off running your own business. You’ve got to be the ‘self starter’ (remember the job description when you applied – and how you made sure your CV proved that you were indeed a ‘self motivated person’?) because that’s how it works.

But somehow, no matter how much you get started the pay level seems to stop where it is.

So why not do all of that for yourself? Start up your own recruitment business and control our own destiny. There are plenty of precedents, because the entrepreneurial spirit is something that runs through many recruitment consultants.

The problem is taking that leap. You might not be on the highest pay, but it’s regular pay. You can rely on it.

Starting your own recruitment business doesn’t have to be as risky as you think.

At Recruit Ventures we have a business model that provides recruitment professionals, who have five years plus experience, with 100% funding, a guaranteed salary, no personal financial risk and access to a full back office support function to support their business.

So, if you’re in that 25% of recruitment consultants who are not happy with their pay and rewards, maybe you should commit to running your own business. And control your own destiny. 100%.

Contact me on and let’s have a confidential chat.

You can find out more about Recruit Ventures unique business model at

John Buckman is chairman of Recruit Ventures and a true entrepreneur himself. Having launched and grown many successful businesses especially within the recruitment sector, John’s expert knowledge and experience grants him the opportunity to offer advice and support to others in the industry considering setting up on their own.

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