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Put it There Partner

Thinking Of Opening A Recruitment Business? Put It There Partner?

Well, I am thinking of starting up on my own, but what’s with the partner thing?

If you’re starting a new business, you have to consider the options. Going it totally alone is possible of course, but often you need a partner.


They could provide the financial backing. Or they could offer help in return for a share of the business, and its profits.

This is already sounding more complicated than I’d thought.

Sorry, but it’s going to get more complex than that. You’ll need to register a partnership with HMRC. You need to have checked that your new partner isn’t carrying any debt that you’re not aware of and that could impact on your business.

More importantly, in some ways, you need to be sure you can actually work together. Share the same vision, know the industry and understand how your business ticks.

Suppose I don’t want them involved in the business…

Oh, you mean someone who will give you a stack of cash and then just let you get on with it. They wouldn’t want a say in how things were done. Good luck with that!

What’s that suppose to mean?

It means you’re unlikely to find such a backer. And it also means ‘good luck’ with setting up your first business without help from people who know what they’re doing.

And such people would be …..?

Yep. Us! With Recruit Ventures YOU run your business, without running the risk.

We’ll provide the funding you need to start up, NO personal outlay from you, plus shares, dividends. We enable you to retain your lifestyle and finance aside, we’ll provide a full back office and support system. It’s everything you need to get started, get ahead and get growing.

So is it my business then?

Definitely YOU are the BOSS… It’s your business, your brand, your goals and ambitions… We simply here to support you on your journey.

What do you need from me?

All we ask is that you have five years consecutive experience within the recruitment industry, a desire to launch your own business in the UK and are active in employment as you read this blog.

I think we need to talk

E-mail us at or fill out our form

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