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Now More Than Ever

Now More Than Ever Is A Great Time To Start Your Recruitment Business.

The reason we say that is because more people than ever are doing it.

What’s your evidence?

Companies House recorded over 4500 new recruitment start ups in 2016.
And that was 15% up on 2015.

Why is that?

Several reasons actually. Mainly though it seems that even allowing for Brexit and all the political and economic turmoil of recent times, the recruitment sector has remained strong and buoyant, which in turn has been a catalyst for people to start up.

Is there any more evidence to that?

There is! There’s a lot more flexibility in the way people are thinking. There’s more cross over. People are looking for new jobs – even when they’re in work. They’re more prepared to change careers. Younger people are more comfortable with the notion of taking risk.

How does that relate to me setting up my own recruitment business – now?

Firstly it shows that the economy is receptive to start ups. Go out on your own and people will respect the fact that you’re trying. Secondly, it shows that there are lots of people actively job seeking – that has to be a good time to start your own recruitment business, doesn’t it?

This is sounding very positive. So, I go to the bank, raise the finance and…..

Ah. Hold on there a minute. The economy is, despite a lot of predictions to the contrary, showing some signs of stabilising and even growing. But the banks have had a tough time. it doesn’t follow that they’re lending like there’s no tomorrow. In fact one recent survey showed that nearly a third of would be start ups, and small business owners, said that no, or limited, access to funding was the biggest problem they face.

Well, that’s stopped it right there then!

Not at all. Actually, one of the problems that a would be recruitment start up will face is that the bank manager might not understand the sector well enough to see the real potential in your business plan.

So I need to talk to someone who does understand recruitment?

You do. And we do! At Recruit Ventures we offer 100% funding for starting up your own recruitment business, and so much more. It’s your company so you’ll have shares and dividends, but with our backing you’ll have zero financial risk and access to tried and tested systems and support.

And you really believe that now is the time to do it?

As we said, now more than ever. Job Boards are reporting more activity than ever. ‘Looking for a new job’ came out top of new year resolutions for 2017. And anyway – we’re experts in this. It’s what we do.

What do you need from me?

All we ask is that you have five years consecutive experience within the recruitment industry, a desire to launch your own business in the UK and are active in employment as you read this

Can we talk?

Sure. e mail us at or click here

Do it. Now. More than ever!

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