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Millions of Reasons for setting up your own recruitment company

There are millions of opportunities right now to match the right people to the perfect job so ask yourself …is now the right time to make

There Are Millions Of Reasons For Setting Up Your Own Recruitment Company. And One Really Good Way To Do It.

Mentioning no names, but out there in the world of online job sites there’s one that now has a database of over 10 million cv’s. Now, if that’s just one website, even allowing for duplication, there are millions of people out there actively seeking work.And that means there are millions of opportunities for recruitment professionals like you to match those people to the right jobs with the right companies.

Which is probably what you’re dong right now. Except you’re doing it for someone else. The thought of going alone and setting up your own recruitment business is always there of course but, as those figures show, it’s a big market and to get into it you’d need to get things really well organised. And you’d have to take that leap out of a regular salary and into the unknown.

The fact is that any new business venture has risks. In the recruitment sector there are cash flow pressures, and you need the branding, systems and security to be up and running from day one. Most of all, if you’re to bring out the entrepreneur that’s been hiding within you, you’ll need to be able to get on with what you do best – finding and handling clients – rather than worrying over the business itself.

At Recruit Ventures we have a business model that provides recruitment professionals, who have five years plus experience, with 100% funding, shares and dividends, a guaranteed salary, no financial risk and access to a full back office support function to support their business.

If you want to tap into those millions of opportunities – and who knows, maybe make a million or two – contact me on and let’s have a chat.

You can find out more about Recruit Ventures unique business model at

John Buckman is chairman of Recruit Ventures and a true entrepreneur himself. Having launched and grown many successful businesses especially within the recruitment sector, John’s expert knowledge and experience grants him the opportunity to offer advice and support to others in the industry considering setting up on their own.

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