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You might have a back bedroom but will you have a back office?

A lot of recruiters take that all important leap to start up on their own and in recent times many  have decided to contain costs, and tiptoe into the market by working from home…

Starting Your Own Recruitment Business
Bedroom Recruiter

You Might Have a Back Bedroom but will you have a back office?

Starting up your own agency is something I know recruitment professionals like YOU think about a lot. With four or five year’s serious experience on your CV, and already running a busy desk or team, it’s very tempting. Why not do this for yourselves, rather than line someone else’s pockets?

A lot of recruiters do take that all important leap and in recent times many who have decided to contain costs, and tiptoe into the market by working from home.

That’s not ‘working from home’ in the sense of not being in the office. It’s about making your office in your home. On the face of it, it makes sense. There are no premises to rent, no furniture or hardware to buy. You can ‘make do’ with the IKEA workstation and your trusty PC, set up in the spare bedroom, and go!

It can work. For a while. The problem is, the harder you work, the more successful you become, and then it all starts to crumble because you simply don’t have the systems and back up you need to service your growing portfolio of employers and candidates.

In fact, the pared down start up that you saw as sound financial sense can soon start to make no sense at all. If you’ve done everything else right, and made real headway with growing your business, you’ll soon get to the point where you were wishing you’d had better systems and back up from day one.

Your plan of course was based on the idea that you couldn’t afford to install full, industry compliant, systems because that would have been costly, let alone difficult to arrange for a startup.

Don’t waste that first year or so in your back bedroom. You can start as you mean to go on, by being fully operational form the outset. It’s where we come in.

At Recruit Ventures we have a business model aimed at professionals just like you. If you’ve got five years overall experience, and 3 years track record in your current role, we can help. We’ll provide you with 100% funding, shares and dividends, a guaranteed salary, no financial risk and access to a full back office support function to support you start up your own business.

If you want sound backing, and a back office not a back bedroom, email me on and let’s chat.

You can also find out more about Recruit Ventures unique business model at

John Buckman is chairman of Recruit Ventures and a true entrepreneur himself. Having launched and grown many successful businesses especially within the recruitment sector, John’s expert knowledge and experience grants him the opportunity to offer advice and support to others in the industry considering setting up on their own.

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