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Making the right decision for you

means you’ve got to know about the rights for them.

Right now, the right decision for you could well be to start your own recruitment company.

Experienced, probably running a Temp Desk, and seriously thinking about your future you’re highly likely to be considering the step into business ownership. It’s understandable. You’ve been putting in the effort and delivering what’s required of you but you can’t escape the feeling that the rewards would be higher if you were in control of your own destiny.

It would make sense, as doubtless you’ve considered, to start up by doing what you  do best, and concentrate on temp placements.

But can you be your best when you’re the boss?

Here’s the thing. For all its frustrations, the job you’re doing does have some benefits. For example, the ever changing demands of legislation need constant watching  to ensure that you adhere to the law. And the fact is, that while you know your stuff, there’s probably someone on the team who keeps you up to date. And what’s more, heaven forbid that there is a problem, but if there is, ultimately it’s your employer’s responsibly, not yours personally. As soon as you’re the boss though, you’re where the buck stops.

That can be a problem. Because, as a new start up you’ll want to concentrate more than ever on finding candidates, building relationships with clients and, to put it simply, getting on with the job. But now you’ll have a million other things to do as well. Things that up to now have been done for you. You see the point. How are you going to be the best you can be  when you’re not free to concentrate on what you’re best at?

 You can be your best – when you have the best support.

Starting a business, any business, needs support. Starting a recruitment business needs really specialist support. You’ll need financial backing, and you’ll need an overall package of mentoring, guidance and expertise. A bank will offer – possibly – finance but not expertise. A recruitment expert may well provide knowledge, but not backing. The best support is a combination of both.

Can you get both? At the same time?

It’s a tall order. In effect you’re looking for a venture capital organisation that actually understands recruitment. Which is precisely where we come in.

The Recruit Venture Group.  Our sole purpose is to provide the best possible, specifically designed, overall help to recruitment professionals who want to start their own businesses.

With our backing you will have

  • 100% risk free funding
  • shares in your own company
  • help with legal matters, premises and marketing
  • the ability to pay yourself a salary
  • access to our back office systems.


And if that’s not enough, you’ll have the back up and knowledge we have to keep you up to date and fully compliant with all the latest changes to legislation. Everything you need to know about workers’ rights, pay and contracts will be fed into you. Which means that you can get on with the job of building your own business.

Ready to Go?
Schedule a Meeting...
If you’ve had enough of capped commissions and are ready to get going in your own Recruitment Business now send your contact details below and we will contact you to schedule a meeting.