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Job Opportunity

You’ve seen the ad a hundred times. It probably describes what you do now

Recruitment Consultant Wanted

Running a busy temp desk you’ll be a self starter setting goals for yourself and handling a wide portfolio


It probably doesn’t include half the things you’ll be expected to do. And those commissions are a bit ‘vague’ when you examine them.

Ironic really. There you are recruiting people for your clients, day in day out, but somehow the ads for jobs in your own career – your recruitment career – don’t look particularly appealing.

Dig a bit deeper and you realise that it’s not the ad though is it? It’s the job itself. Because it would be the same as the job you do now. More or less.

What you really want is an ad that says:

Position: Owner of Recruitment Company

Location: Where I want to live and work

Salary: £unlimited potential

Job Description

Run your own recruitment business

Full autonomy and control

Reap the rewards of your own success

Maintain your lifestyle.

Just a dream? It needn’t be. Because it pretty well describes the start-up solution we, The Recruit Venture Group, offer to support you launch your own recruitment business.

We specialise in helping recruitment professionals start their own businesses. Typically those recruiters who have notched up five years continuous experience in the recruitment industry. Usually they’ve specialised for a couple of years, and they’ve probably run a desk. Certainly they’re the sort of people who have ambition, drive and a desire to ‘do things their way’. People who want to take a bigger step than the next job. They want to take the leap into owning something themselves.

With our backing that’s what they do. We provide 100%, risk free, financial backing. With that comes access to our full back office and systems, making for a highly efficient operation.

We help with everything, from the setting up of your company to your premises and marketing. And we stay with you as mentors, keeping you up to date with legislation and industry trends.

It’s your business. You’ll have shares, draw dividends, and be able to pay yourself a salary from the first day.

The money, the shares and the technology are the tangible aspects of our highly successful business model. Just as important is the freedom they bring with them. The opportunity to start a business without the constant worry of expensive loans and financial risk. The opportunity to get on with what matters most – growing your own business.

If all of this sounds like you – the five years’ experience, the desire to run your own business – then we should talk. If you’re looking for something more than the next ‘job’, and can see beyond the next ad for a consultant, we think you deserve a chance. And we think we can provide just that.


Ready to Go?
Schedule a Meeting...
If you’ve had enough of capped commissions and are ready to get going in your own Recruitment Business now send your contact details below and we will contact you to schedule a meeting.