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Here’s a thought…

Here’s A Thought For Those Thinking Of Starting Up A Recruitment Business

“I knew that if I failed I wouldn’t regret that, but I knew the one thing I might regret is not trying.” –Jeff Bezos, Amazon Founder and CEO

When it comes to business, never was a truer word spoken. It would indeed be a sad thing to wake up one day and realise that you regret never taking that step, running that risk, and doing what you always thought you should have done. Never trying.

I fear that there might be some recruitment consultants out there who will feel that one day. The recruitment business is full of talented, experienced, entrepreneurial minded people who feel that they’d like to start their own business. Many of them do. I can testify to that. But lots don’t. They keep on saying ‘maybe next year’, or they put out some feelers, do a bit of research and then become daunted by the challenge and let it lie.

The reasons they want to do it are usually a mixture of being frustrated by their job, wanting to control their own future, and to run a business their way. And of course to feel better rewarded for their work. To make some money.

The reasons they stop trying to do it are another mixture. They can’t raise the finance, or they get nervous at not having that regular pay cheque from an employer. Get it right of course and you’ll be drawing a regular pay cheque, and hopefully a handsome one, from your own company. But, it can be daunting to leave a salaried position and go through the nervous months of a new start up. So they don’t try.

Sometimes the entrepreneurial spirit fizzles out because people suddenly realise that all those systems, all that software, that they use every day won’t be there in their own company. Well, not unless it’s paid for, which brings us back to finance. This worries them… so then they don’t try.

There are then the ones who are bursting with ideas, good at what they do, and more than capable. Which is why, when they say they’re leaving to start up on their own, their bosses lure them back. Suddenly it’s comfortable to stay and somehow not worth trying.

Or, instead of luring them back their employers use every bit of small print there is in their contracts to make it difficult for them to leave and even more difficult to start up on their own. So again they stay put. And don’t try.

And of course there’s Brexit, inflation, the state of the local economy, the state of the national economy, leaves on the track and a million other reasons why it’s best left to next year. Which usually becomes never.

The reality is that if any one of those who didn’t try had found a really straightforward, all embracing package of help they would have done it back then.

Which is where we come in. At Recruit Ventures we have a business model aimed at professionals just like them. Just like you.

If you’ve got five years overall experience, and 3 years track record in your current role, we can help. We’ll provide you with 100% funding, a guaranteed salary, no personal financial risk and access to a full back office support function to help you start up in business.

Why wouldn’t you try?

It is a big step. But you can only make it work if you try. Jeff Bezos tried. And it’s fair to say it was worth it! Remember that the next time there’s a brown paper parcel on your doormat, from Amazon.

If you want to try, email me at for a confidential chat.

You can also find out more about Recruit Ventures business model at

John Buckman is chairman of Recruit Ventures and a true entrepreneur himself. Having launched and grown many successful businesses especially within the recruitment sector, John’s expert knowledge and experience grants him the opportunity to offer advice and support to others in the industry considering setting up on their own.

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