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Half the year gone..

And youre still thinking about starting your own recruitment business!

Well, it does take a lot of thinking about.

Yes, there’s no denying it’s a big step. But it’s also an exciting step, a challenging step, a step into controlling your own future….

I know. I know. But.

Is that the same ‘but’ you were using back in March?

March? Why March?

You may recall that back then we touched on the same issue when a quarter of the year had gone. Now it’s nearly half gone…

Yes. I know. The time is rushing by. But theres just so much to think about.

Share your concerns.

Right. I need funding. Enough funding to start up and be operational. I need a salary, because running my own show will be challenging enough without worrying about paying my own bills and trying to retain something approaching my current lifestyle.

Got that. Anything else?

Lots. Ive been thinking this through. I need fully operational and industry compliant systems from the start. That means hardware and software. Premises, obviously. The whole branding thing has to be sorted out. Theres the issue of legal advice, even including registering the company. And theres the risk!

Impressive. You have thought it through. Why no start up then,  when we’re half the way through the year?

Umm. All of the above!

Look, thinking it through is commendable, but the fact is you’re either going to do it or not. The recruitment business is full of potential entrepreneurs, and it’s full of opportunities as well. So if you could address ‘all of the above’ in one go, you’d do it. Now.

Of course!

Then listen. The Recruit Venture Group specialise in backing start up recruitment businesses. Full initial funding is just part of the package. You’ll also receive shares and dividends in your own company – and access to a complete back office and support system. You run the business, without running the risk.

And all that legal advice and support?

All part of the deal.

And Id qualify?

We’re going to want to see a business plan, and we certainly want to know that you’ve spent the last five years working continuously in recruitment; ideally you have spent the last three of them in a specific sector, but then if all of this is in place, we can definitely start planning…


Ready to Go?
Schedule a Meeting...
If you’ve had enough of capped commissions and are ready to get going in your own Recruitment Business now send your contact details below and we will contact you to schedule a meeting.