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December. A great time for recruitment professionals to start opening doors

Not the doors in the Advent Calendar you’ve pinned above your desk, but we’re happy to admit that a happy to admit that a bit of chocolate doesn’t go a miss on a December morning (own up, you couldn’t wait till after lunch!) but we’re thinking about rather more important doors, and rather bigger rewards than a sweet.

We’re thinking about the future. Your future. Running your own recruitment business.

As the new year beckons you’re probably reviewing 2017, and wondering what happens next. You’ve put in another creditable performance, generating turnover for your desk, finding clients, finding candidates, putting them together. You’ve hit the numbers.

But, with a good few years track record behind you you’ve often thought that there are other ways of doing things. You’ve got ideas on how you’d deliver the client service, and the candidate experience. Maybe next year will be the year when you open the doors on your own recruitment business.

Funnily enough you’d had the same thoughts last December. You probably took a look at what’s involved. And when you did, you found it all a bit daunting. Raising the money to start up was going to be an obstacle. Even the people you spoke to, who seemed like they might be able to help, didn’t seem to understand recruitment. They couldn’t get their heads around the cash flow issues you’d have to face, especially in the early months.

And then came the sudden realisation that you’d need not only an office, but also a back office! All of those systems that you use every day are road tested and industry compliant. And you would need to get your own.

By the time you’d admitted to yourself that actually you were nervous about jumping from the comfort of that regular salary to being the boss, you probably thought the best plan was to shelve it for the moment and open another door for some comforting chocolate out of the Advent Calendar.

Now it’s December again. Well, before you succumb to your growing chocolate habit, and cheat by opening tomorrow’s door, think about making today the day you open what could be the door into your tomorrow.

It’s a door to The Recruit Venture Group

Our business model has been designed for recruitment professionals just like you. Typically, people with five years overall experience, and three years track record in their current role.

If you’re serious about starting up on your own, we’ll provide 100% funding, shares and dividends, a guaranteed salary, no financial risk and access to a full back office support function to help you start up your own business.

Sounds sweet doesn’t it?

It’s time you tried it. Let’s face it, in 1908 when Gerhard Lang came up with the idea of an Advent Calendar who knew he’d opened the doors of a phenomenon?

Don’t let another year slip. Open the doors of your phenomenon. Start up your own recruitment business. And start right now, by opening our door.



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If you’ve had enough of capped commissions and are ready to get going in your own Recruitment Business now send your contact details below and we will contact you to schedule a meeting.