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Celebrate what you want to see more of next year

“Celebrate What You Want To See More Of!”

A New Year Message To Would Be Recruitment Entrepreneurs.
Some important words taken from the American business writer and guru Tom Peters and if you think about that it’s a pretty good new year
sentiment for you too.

You’ve come to the end of this year, and you’ve probably done a good job. Hit the targets, come in on budget. And just like you do at the end of most other years you’ve thought ‘if only I was running my own business. I’ve got the experience, the contacts, the know how’.

And just like so many times before you’ve never quite got round to it. Too many obstacles. Too many problems. So you get on with it again.

But you do it with thoughts of how next year will be better. Because next year you’d like to see more of………WHAT?

Better earnings usually comes top of the list. Quickly followed by seeing some of your ideas actually listened to, and put into practice. Then there’s that feeling of wanting more autonomy. You’re in charge of a successful desk, you motivate the team, but somehow you still feel like a small cog in a big machine. Why aren’t you seen as the Manager you really are?

And of course you’d like to feel more in control of your own destiny. A career path is one thing, but where is it leading? And how long is it?

Oh, and then comes the other one. You’d somehow like to see, and feel, more excitement.

Let’s run that back. You want to see more of the chance to earn more, put your own ideas into practice, be autonomous, be the boss, be in control of your own destiny, and you want to see some more excitement….. hmmm….sounds like you want to start your own recruitment business!

Well, when it comes to this new year, celebrate for sure but when it comes to business – do it. Celebrate what you want to see more of. Celebrate by starting up on your own.

And there’s a lot to help you celebrate in the Recruit Ventures business model! We provide 100% funding, shares and dividends, a guaranteed salary, no financial risk and access to a full back office support function to support start up recruitment businesses.

We’ll guide you, mentor you and support you, but you’ll be in control.

Start celebrating. Start up.

Start by contacting us, email

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