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Build Your Dream

Build your own recruitment business… or get hired to build someone elses?


That sounds like a challenge!

It is. Actually, to be honest, we’ve slightly stolen that line. There’s a famous quote by Tony A Gaskin Junior, in which he says – “If you don’t build your dream someone will hire you to help build theirs.”

Ah. I see what you mean.

Thought you would. It sums up the dilemma facing many recruitment consultants. People like you. You’ve notched up four or five years experience and probably built up three or more years knowledge in a specific sector. Now, somehow, you feel you could do it better if you were calling the shots.

Not to mention control my own future.

We like your thinking. That’s exactly it. You’ve got the know-how, the drive, and the passion, and you’ve started to think that maybe it would be more rewarding – in more ways than one – to run your own show and see your efforts properly rewarded.

I like your thinking too! But

Yes, the ‘buts’. They do tend to stack up when you start planning, don’t they? The premises, the branding, the systems, the legalities of starting a business….

Yep. All of the above. But without sounding too mercenary about it there is also the question of money! Raising the capital to start is one thing, but I need to sustain my lifestyle when I shift from employee to employer.

This is good! It shows you’ve thought things through. But may we draw your attention to the point we made at the outset? “If you don’t build your dream someone will hire you to help build theirs.

I get that. I really do. But Ive got to live! And what worries me is, well, the worries. How do I concentrate on building my business if Im spending every waking minute worrying about how to pay my bills?

 You really have put some thought into this, haven’t you? Let’s try to put your mind at rest. Helping recruitment professionals start their own businesses is what we do. With zero financial risk, plus shares and dividends, you’re free to concentrate on starting up. With access to a full back office and support system, you’re operational from day one.

I hate to press the point, but that little detail of my lifestyle, and how I live?

The way we structure your business and support you means that you’ll be able to pay yourself a sensible salary from the start. That means you can really focus on what matters most – getting your business up, running and growing.

Sounds like the dream ticket.

Or perhaps the ticket to your dream. Remember  – “If you don’t build your dream someone will hire you to help build theirs.”

Very good. See what you did there.  But doesn’t this really mean that youll be hiring me?

No! It means we’ll be investing in you. Backing you. But, because we understand recruitment we’ll be supporting you in a way that no bank or finance house can. We’ve developed a business model specifically to support recruitment professionals’ start their own businesses. It’s what we do.

Sorry! No offence intended!

None was taken. You sound like exactly the sort of experienced recruitment professional we like to work with. You should make a start.


Stop dreaming about it. Email us at and start building your dream today.

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