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Black Friday, Cyber Monday – How about Start Up Saturday?

No, we’re not suggesting that you can start up a recruitment business in a single Saturday.

Anyway, this Saturday you’re probably busy unpacking the various online bargains that have arrived from your activities on the aforementioned shopping days!

Suppose you’re a recruitment professional, and like many such people you’ve often thought about starting up your own business.

Suppose too, just for a moment, that you’ve actually looked at the possibility quite closely. You’ll be familiar then with all the issues that need addressing.

Financial backing comes high up the list.

Ideally it would need to be at a good rate, with few strings. From people who understand recruitment. Then come premises. You perhaps thought about the ‘bedroom recruiter’ route but then thought better of it. Finding, and equipping, an office though is quite a project.

It’s not just equipment either is it?

There are the systems and back office requirements, without which you’re going to be less than competitive. To say the least.

There’s the branding and website to sort. Then the legal and tax implications.

And then there’s the financial planning to see you through the start up days when commitment might be high but cash flow is tight.

Now, if you could find one, single, central, source of help in all of those areas, making them all available to you – at the same time! – you’d reconsider wouldn’t you? Suddenly it would all seem so much more feasible.

We can help, The Recruit Venture Group provides 100% funding, shares and dividends, a guaranteed salary, no financial risk and access to a full back office support function to support start up recruitment businesses.

If you’re serious about starting up on your own, and you’ve got around five years experience, talk to us.

As we said, we’re not suggesting that you can start up a recruitment business in a single Saturday. We’ll want to delve more and talk with you about your ideas, you can be assured.

But, it you really are serious about it we reckon you’ve probably done a lot of thinking and planning already. So, it won’t take much more than a Saturday to get your thoughts in order, put your CV together and write a single sheet of A4 with your contact details, location and a statement of overall objectives will it?

And that’s all you need to have in front of you to APPLY NOW





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If you’ve had enough of capped commissions and are ready to get going in your own Recruitment Business now send your contact details below and we will contact you to schedule a meeting.