The Final Countdown

The Final Countdown

It’s here, isn’t it? The final countdown… And of course it’s complicated.

First off there’s the ‘domestic’ list. Presents still to buy because, let’s face it, you’re busy, right up to the last minute.

Then there’s all the usual issues to address. Who are you spending Christmas Day with? Can you possibly keep everybody happy? And if you’re the hosts, you’re probably already stressing about entertaining.

They say ‘it’s only another roast meal’ – but it’s not. Is it? So much still to do. It’s the final countdown.

All of that is without your work. Making sure all those last minute details are sorted out, the placements are processed, your budget for next year is sorted. You’re probably under pressure for that. And did you draw the short straw? Did you arrange the office ‘do’?

Worst of all it’s the same every year. And like most years, recently anyway, you’ve started to think about what it would be like to be the boss of your own business.

If you were to start your own recruitment business you would be in command of your own destiny. The problem is it’s usually year end when you start to think about it seriously. Again. It’s in there with the resolutions. But of course when it comes to year end you’re always stuck in the final countdown. And somehow the problems of starting up seem even more insurmountable when you’re under that much pressure.

First off there would be finance to sort out. And even when that’s in place you’d need to find premises. An office is good but it’s no good without a back office. So the systems would need sorting. And the branding. And the website.

Then comes another big one. Financial backing is fine (if you can get it) but you really need input from people who understand recruitment. Even your best business plan, presented perfectly to the most helpful of bank managers, doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll be engaged with someone who understands the unique cash flow pressures of a recruitment consultancy.

At the moment of course the one advantage of not being the boss is that you’re a bit protected from them. Well, except that is that it’s cash flow that’s making your boss boss explain why your bonus isn’t in the lottery win category – if it’s there at all!

But you’d rather take on that challenge for yourself, than stay as you are. Except for all of the above.

You could change things. This could be the year you make the leap.

At Recruit Ventures we have a business model that provides 100% funding, shares and dividends, a guaranteed salary, no financial risk and access to a full back office support function to support start up recruitment businesses.

We’ll guide you, mentor you and support you, but you’ll be in control.

We can’t promise that you’ll get out of organising next year’s Christmas party. But it could be for your staff next time! As to keeping all the family happy? Well, they’ll understand. You’ve got a business to run!

Start the best countdown of all. The one that launches your future. Contact us at

Let’s Talk Turkey

Let’s Talk Turkey …. About Starting Your Own Recruitment Business

No. Despite that headline we’re not talking Christmas. This is about ‘talking turkey’ in the other sense. The one the dictionary defines as –

‘Talk turkey: To talk serious business; to talk frankly. We’ve got to sit down and talk turkey—get this thing wrapped up. It’s time to talk turkey and quit messing around’.
We like to keep our articles and blogs interesting, sometimes humorous, and yes, we’ve done it, seasonal when it’s appropriate. But, as we approach the end of the year we thought, just for once, we’d strip it right back down to basics, and talk turkey.

You want to start up your own recruitment business?


You have five years or so recruitment experience and are actively working in the recruitment Industry?


I’m sure you have already consider several options. A franchise? Maybe not. You want your own brand so why start up only to work under someone else’s logo?

There’s the ‘bedroom recruiter’ route. You probably realised that although it can work for some people it’s not for you. No high street presence is not a great idea if you’ve got big plans. And a back bedroom is not ideal for a back office. Which is essential if you’re going to do what you want. Which is grow. Fast.

So you need an office, branding, systems and a website, You need to be up and running from day one. And all of that means you need finance.

If you’ve talked to the banks you’ve found that interest rates are still low, but loans still come with strings. And did that bank manager really get it when you tried to explain the cash flow issues that hit recruitment consultancies, especially with a lot of temps on the books? Probably not.

So, let’s talk turkey. If you want to do this, talk to us.

At Recruit Ventures we provide 100% funding, shares and dividends, a guaranteed salary, no financial risk and access to a full back office support function to support start up recruitment businesses.

That’s it. Talking turkey – with none of the trimmings. Just the facts.

And the fact is that with that sort of backing you could be running your own recruitment business a lot sooner than you thought.

So talk to us. We’ll talk turkey. Any time of year! email

Where Do You See Yourself In 5 Years Time?

Recruitment Professional? Where Do You See Yourself In Five Years Time!

Come on, you know how it works. You’re a recruitment professional with around five years’ experience. You’ve conducted interviews, advised on how to structure interviews. Be honest, you’ve had a couple of interviews!

There’a always that perfectly valid question – ‘Where do you see yourself in five years’ time?’

Well, its time to turn the tables. Ask yourself now – ‘Where do you see yourself in five years’ time?’

You’ve doubtless climbed the ladder a few rungs since you started. You’re probably running a busy desk by now, or heading up a team. You’ve seen the candidates come through and you’ve placed a lot in good jobs. You’ve won new clients for your bosses’ portfolio, and helped to grow their business.

And there’s the thing. It’s their business. So, and here it comes again – ‘Where do you see yourself in five years’ time?’ Still helping to grow someone else’s business? Or do you see yourself running your own recruitment business?

The problem of course is that you like the idea of running your own show but, even with your entrepreneurial flair, which is far from uncommon in recruitment consultants, you’ve been daunted by the challenges that come with starting up.

You probably know them as well as you know interviewing techniques. There’s finding the finance, creating a brand, setting up premises and establishing the all important systems that make a recruitment consultancy tick.

It doesn’t stop there either. Does it? Taking the leap from employee to employer is an exciting prospect, but how much do your really know about the legal issues, and the tax implications?

So, the problem is that, no matter how much you want to give an exciting, dynamic, answer, your reply to the ever present question of ‘Where do you see yourself in five years’ time?’ is probably going to be ‘Here. Doing the same job’.

It doesn’t have to be like that!

We do a lot of thinking about where recruitment professionals will be in five years’ time. At Recruit Ventures we provide 100% funding, shares and dividends, a guaranteed salary, no financial risk and access to a full back office support function to support start up recruitment businesses.

Now, with a package like that on offer, the picture of you in five years’ time starts to come in to sharper focus doesn’t it?

There is one other question. When are you going to contact us?

Answer? Now.


Email us on It will be more of a breakthrough than an interview.

Fast Track Your Recruitment Business

When It Comes To Starting A Recruitment Business You Might Find That We’re Your Fast Track!

There’s a piece of business advice around the various online forums – you may have seen it – about raising money to start up a business. They call it the ‘Four F’s’. It goes like this.

If the banks and financial institutions have proved less than encouraging, or too expensive, you should try the ‘Four F’s’. And they are ‘founder, family, friends and fools’.The founder of course is you. And, as is often the case, because your savings are somewhat short of a lottery win, you need more capital investment.

That would lead you to try family. Well, doubtless they wish you every success, and they may well be able to help. But is it a good idea? It’s needs to be a legally binding agreement or you could find all sorts of problems rearing their heads. And it’s not always a comfortable feeling having a commitment to the family when it’s you who will be running the business and, frankly, wanting to do it your way.

The same pretty much goes for friends. Borrowing from friends can lead to tensions, and again it certainly needs to be arranged legally. It’s fair enough that friends would expect a return on their investment, but do you really want to turn a friendship into a business relationship?

As to fools – we think the point being made is that you either find ‘an easy touch’ which is hardly in line with business ethics, or, more kindly, you arrange finance from someone who doesn’t know what they’re doing. Which would not be a good start point.

Come to think of it though, even people who do know about finance can be less than fully informed when it comes to recruitment start ups. Even the most astute financier may not fully grasp the the intricacies of your business plan – because they’re not aware of the cash flow issues that face a recruitment consultancy, especially in the early days.

So is there anybody else out there? Someone perhaps more objective than family and friends. Someone with whom you could have a real business relationship from the get go? Someone who is no fool when it comes to understanding recruitment start ups.

Look no further!

At Recruit Ventures we provide 100% funding, shares and dividends, a guaranteed salary, no financial risk and access to a full back office support function to support start up recruitment businesses.

So, forget the four f’s. email us fast!

Oh Yes There Is!

If You’re Thinking Of Starting Your Own Recruitment Business, We Are Here To Say ‘Oh Yes There Is!’

Let’s face it, whatever happens over the next few weeks you’re going to see or hear something to do with panto! It’s unavoidable. (Oh yes it is!).

Which rather got us thinking. How many of you recruitment professionals are feeling, as the year draws to a close, that your employer is a bit like Baron Hardup? You know what we mean. You’ve done your best all year but somehow it doesn’t look like you’re going to the ball. Money it seems is a bit too tight to stretch to a bonus.

All of you Cinderellas and Buttons out there are where you are every year – wishing that you could start your own business and be in control of your own destiny. Not to mention profitability.

Let’s be honest. Selling the cow for a handful of beans isn’t going to make it happen. Is it?

Although you’ve maybe started to wonder if that’s worth a try, because you’ve already explored the various options available from the banks, and they’ve proved expensive, even with interest at today’s low rates.

And anyway, it wasn’t just the money. The other issues you realised that needed sorting out were starting to look daunting. You couldn’t see the wood for the trees – and it was more like a haunted forest than a business plan.

Premises, systems, software, branding, website……the list goes on, and that’s even if you managed to arrange finance.

If only, you thought, if only there was a way to get real support and finance to help you start up and back you – in your own business. There couldn’t be anything like that. Could there?

Oh yes there is!

At Recruit Ventures we provide 100% funding, shares and dividends, a guaranteed salary, no financial risk and access to a full back office support function to help start up recruitment businesses.

Now, we’re not saying we can wave a magic wand. You’ll need to be serious about this plus you’ll need around five years relevant recruitment experience, and you’ll need to show us your business plan.

But, we’ve helped a lot of recruitment start ups get under way – and we’d like to help you.

We’re behind you! Oh yes we are!

Email us for we love a happy ending!

Starting Your Own Recruitment Business Should Be About

Starting Your OWN Recruitment Business!

If you’re serious about starting your own recruitment business you’ve probably, by now, explored several of the many options available to you. Given your entrepreneurial spirit you’re doubtless impatient to get up and running.

If you’ve secured substantial funding from your friendly bank manager, and organised the premises, as well having sorted out your software and systems, coupled with launching your new website, and at the same time made all the necessary legal and taxation arrangements – well done!

Except experience tells us that you might be one of the many would be start ups who started addressing all or any of the above, and then stopped because it all got a bit daunting. It was proving virtually impossible to do all of that simultaneously, while you were still doing the ‘day job’. The one that pays the salary before you take the leap into owning your own business.

But then perhaps you saw another way through. A franchise. Here was a way, it seemed, to have somebody do all of that for you, short circuiting the problems of starting up and hard wiring you into your own business much faster.

But stop and think for a moment. Fundamentally you’re interested in starting up on your own because, well, you want to make money, obviously, but more than that, you wanted to be – on your own! You’ve done the ‘be an employee’ bit and want to start the ‘being an employer’ bit. You’ve worked under someone else’s brand, and now you want to make your own mark.

Here’s the thing. Within a franchise operation, tempting as it might be, you’re possibly going to be giving away, or at best sharing, a lot of the equity in your new business; and you’re going to be working under someone else’s brand. Again.

If you’re the sort of person we often talk with you’ve probably racked up around five years relevant experience already. Chances are you’re running a busy desk, or managing a team. And from that experience you’ve generated your own ideas about how things should be done.

Jump into a franchise and you could be doing things the way someone else says. Again.

They’re all reasons why so many recruitment professionals who want to start on their own find the Recruit Ventures model so attractive.

We provide 100% funding, shares and dividends, a guaranteed salary, no financial risk and access to a full back office support function. All so you can run your own business.

If you’re serious about starting your own recruitment business, don’t just think about the opportunity. Own it!

Contact us to arrange a confidential chat, email

December. A great time for recruitment professionals to start opening doors

Not the doors in the Advent Calendar you’ve pinned above your desk, but we’re happy to admit that a happy to admit that a bit of chocolate doesn’t go a miss on a December morning (own up, you couldn’t wait till after lunch!) but we’re thinking about rather more important doors, and rather bigger rewards than a sweet.

We’re thinking about the future. Your future. Running your own recruitment business.

As the new year beckons you’re probably reviewing 2017, and wondering what happens next. You’ve put in another creditable performance, generating turnover for your desk, finding clients, finding candidates, putting them together. You’ve hit the numbers.

But, with a good few years track record behind you you’ve often thought that there are other ways of doing things. You’ve got ideas on how you’d deliver the client service, and the candidate experience. Maybe next year will be the year when you open the doors on your own recruitment business.

Funnily enough you’d had the same thoughts last December. You probably took a look at what’s involved. And when you did, you found it all a bit daunting. Raising the money to start up was going to be an obstacle. Even the people you spoke to, who seemed like they might be able to help, didn’t seem to understand recruitment. They couldn’t get their heads around the cash flow issues you’d have to face, especially in the early months.

And then came the sudden realisation that you’d need not only an office, but also a back office! All of those systems that you use every day are road tested and industry compliant. And you would need to get your own.

By the time you’d admitted to yourself that actually you were nervous about jumping from the comfort of that regular salary to being the boss, you probably thought the best plan was to shelve it for the moment and open another door for some comforting chocolate out of the Advent Calendar.

Now it’s December again. Well, before you succumb to your growing chocolate habit, and cheat by opening tomorrow’s door, think about making today the day you open what could be the door into your tomorrow.

It’s a door to The Recruit Venture Group

Our business model has been designed for recruitment professionals just like you. Typically, people with five years overall experience, and three years track record in their current role.

If you’re serious about starting up on your own, we’ll provide 100% funding, shares and dividends, a guaranteed salary, no financial risk and access to a full back office support function to help you start up your own business.

Sounds sweet doesn’t it?

It’s time you tried it. Let’s face it, in 1908 when Gerhard Lang came up with the idea of an Advent Calendar who knew he’d opened the doors of a phenomenon?

Don’t let another year slip. Open the doors of your phenomenon. Start up your own recruitment business. And start right now, by opening our door.